Wednesday 25 November 2009

Omer Fast

A few weeks back whilst in sleepy Lund in the south of Sweden, We happened upon Konst Hall
where Jerusalem born video artist Omer Fast had a large solo show.
Two of the most interesting pieces on show were
CNN concatenated and The Casting, particularly with The Casting it was the cleverness in how the work was shown
which really complemented the overall concept. A centrally curtain hung had two channel video projections on each side, with one soundtrack relevant to both, one side
featuring an actor in a casting scenario re-telling a young army sergeants tales and on the other side actors silently interpreting the stories on location, almost as if a
memory. Although it was not only the display of the work and the ideas themselves that were only impressive but the footage itself was beautifully crisp and cinematic
creating a overall impression of brilliance.

His latest work Nostalgia a three part video installation is currently showing at The South London Gallery until the 6th Decemeber

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