Wednesday 2 December 2009

Studio Open-Day

The Russian Clubs Studios is having a Seasonal Open-Day this coming 
Wednesday, bringing some festive cheer via mince pies and mulled wine, 
with the photographic studios open for a wander round and exhibitions in 
both The Russian Club Gallery and Club room. All are welcome!

Tuesday 1 December 2009

The Club Room

We've just designed the flyer for The Russian Club's third
Club Room show, with the private view opening next Wednesday.

Friday 27 November 2009

Pretty Pages

Just recently came across wonderful online bookstore Counter Print, who have
a great collection of Art and design related literature, including out of print and
hard to find items.

Thursday 26 November 2009

The white stuff

All the above images are by Italian artist Paola Pivi, very, very lovely.

Yentob Vs Kapoor

Finally caught the Anish Kapoor / Alan Yentob imagine episode on the iplayer, which is well worth a watch if not only for Yentob
trying to keep up with
Kapoor whose laid back yet utterly informed demeanor only highlights Yentobs attempts to over egg the
pudding (whilst still managing to miss the mark everytime) Great footage of his newer works being constructed,
and whatever you think of his art it's still interesting to see the processes and logistics behind the
RA's largest show to date.

You can still catch Image on the iplayer here

Happy Thanksgiving

A quick thanksgiving nod to all our American friends...

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Omer Fast

A few weeks back whilst in sleepy Lund in the south of Sweden, We happened upon Konst Hall
where Jerusalem born video artist Omer Fast had a large solo show.
Two of the most interesting pieces on show were
CNN concatenated and The Casting, particularly with The Casting it was the cleverness in how the work was shown
which really complemented the overall concept. A centrally curtain hung had two channel video projections on each side, with one soundtrack relevant to both, one side
featuring an actor in a casting scenario re-telling a young army sergeants tales and on the other side actors silently interpreting the stories on location, almost as if a
memory. Although it was not only the display of the work and the ideas themselves that were only impressive but the footage itself was beautifully crisp and cinematic
creating a overall impression of brilliance.

His latest work Nostalgia a three part video installation is currently showing at The South London Gallery until the 6th Decemeber

Image of the day

Utility Design

We recently collaborated with Utility, a wonderful store and online shop who sell a curated selection of beautiful products by independent designers as well as larger classic brands
such as Vitra, Alesssi etc. We art directed a range of small still lifes and larger scale sets
with photographer Pelle Crépin for their first print catalogue which is available with purchases online.

Shiny & New

Our newly updated website is now online for your viewing pleasure...

Welcome Joep Jacobs!

Were very pleased to have the lovely Jaap de Matt, from Dutch design studio Joep Jacobs
currently residing in The Russian Club Studios amongst things here helping us here on
exciting upcoming project... Welcome Jaap!

What a joker...

Whilst at the Tate popped into the Pop life exhibit, which was garish, over-saturated and over hyped (most likely the point)
brought a smile though - what a joker

Pop Life: Art in a Material World is at the Tate Modern, Millbank, SW1P 4RG, and runs till 17th January 2010.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Baldessari Show

The Baldessari show really brought home the similarities between the concept art movement in the sixties and today's Art/Design crossovers. The emphasis on ideas being explored visually and with wit...

John Baldessari: Pure Beauty is at the Tate Modern, Millbank, SW1P 4RG, and runs till 10th January 2010.

Currently Showing

Quick link to the current exhibition at The Russian Club Gallery


July 1950 The First rocket launched from Cape Canaveral

Welcome to the first posting of our blog, which will hopefully document our daily sources of studio inspiration alongside the progress of
our various projects. We hope you find it worthwhile viewing...

Blog Archive